Vanity License Plate - Yes Or No
License Plate Image

Yesorno. Seems like I am continuing last Sunday's Kids Korner. It only looks that way because this vanity plate from here in Alberta really exists.

And it describes the situation I am having this week perfectly.

The plate was created by a former parishioner of mine who could not get a definitive answer out of her husband. He always wanted to 'think about it'. However, he seldom got around to giving her his opinion. This past week has been clearer than that; however, no less confusing.

We are having a garage built. And therein lies the problem inherently. We want warm, dry weather so saws and hammers can be heard ringing out. Windows can be hung and siding put on. Not to mention the concrete that needs drying. On the other hand, around 30,000 people around the province were praying (us and the OSLC community) for rain and cool temperatures. Two very contradictory situations. The gardener in me is also chaffing to get going with much planting that may not happen this year. I am having diabetic foot troubles again. And, the backyard is just a construction zone. All of this highlights the constant pull between what we want and what we need. It happens often to Jesus and the twelve.

Peter has this problem in Matthew 16:13-28. Philip has this problem in John 14:1-14. James and John also have this trouble. It is in Mark 10:35-45. What they want is not what they need. Jesus has given them what is needful right before this in Mark 10:32-34. Do I want the garage to be built as soon as possible? Absolutely. Do I need it? Absolutely not. Throughout the bible we read how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit give us needful things. And the methods used are often counterintuitive. Just one example of this is Gideon in Judges 7:1-8. By human thinking, this is the complete opposite of what you want to guarantee success. And God wants it exactly this way.

So, where is Jesus pointing out what you really need this day? Where do you really need to be and with whom? As we work for the kingdom. Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"It is never too late to be who you might have been."

George Eliot