"Time Shift" by Norm Wright (Creative Commons License - https://www.flickr.com/photos/wwnorm/50554552281)

Time shift. I have been pondering how many ways that affects us; sometimes daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. We have so many shifts happening right now.

Daily: This past Sunday, we shifted time. We 'gained' an hour. I will not comment here other than to say we continue to confound the folks in Saskatchewan who never shift their clocks. They are always on Central Standard Time. This was a compromise. Saskatoon is on one side of the time- line and Regina is on the other. So, to keep it simple, we are all on the same time zone. One person I know very well observed that it really didn't matter. He said this, "I go to work in the morning, it's dark. I come home from work in the evening, it's dark." No difference.

Weekly: So now we have a complete revamp of AHS going on. To make it better, we will have 4 major divisions. And it will take the next 1.5 years to complete. And, we are now upping production of fossil fuels along with certain other countries like Russia and the US. All while not meeting our eco-targets.

Monthly: This especially applies to us Christians. For many, you ask about what is the highlight of the month and there is only one answer; the Grey Cup. It has a long history of some 114 years. For us, the highlight is the end of the year. We will switch church seasons at the end of the month. Celebrating the Reign of Christ in our lives, in December we turn to preparing for his birth by preparing during the 4 weeks of Advent leading to Christmas. Very different changes.

Now, "Change is the only constant in life." That's from Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. He was born sometime in the 700's BC. And yet, what he said is still true. I phrase it this way, "If you are standing still too long, you are rotting in the spot." God instituted change in Genesis 1 and 2 and has been reshaping creation ever since. Fire does it, such as in Lytton, BC and Enterprise, NT. Wind will do it, as in Acapulco, Mexico. War will do it. Rubble abounds in many war zones across our planet. All bring disruption and change. In Matthew 28, Jesus says I am always with you. In John 14, he promises the help of the Holy Spirit. He is the constant, along with God and the Holy Spirit, in our lives. So, amidst all this changing going on, where do you need Jesus the most? Now, go and ask for his help. Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive."

Anais Nin