Scripture - Matthew 24:44

The Unexpected. This whole week has been like this for me.

First, I was drawn back some 45 years to a UK TV series. It was Roald Dahl's 'Tales of the Unexpected'. Because that is what has been occurring throughout this week.

Pam and I got a call from former friends that we have not seen in many, many years. They have business in Edmonton and were wondering if they could see us. Then, a new potential rental appears. Next, a former member of this church and community checks in. It is non-stop. And what I am most struck by is that there's a whole new way to look at Advent.

The good extrovert in me wants to get things done quickly so that I/we are ready for Christmas. Meals organized; check. Presents bought; check. Tree up; check. Fully decorated; not yet. You can see where this is going. And then God said to me, "So I want room. This is all your stuff and your doing."

I am doing new things; starting now. And for God, this is nothing new. Just take a look at Genesis 1 and 2. And then the 2.0 version that happens in Genesis 7 and 8. Or, consider what Jesus has to say in Matthew 24 about the Coming of the Son. This is a new approach. Some are taken and some are left behind. If you contrast this with Genesis 6, then there is much more hope in there being dedicated believers. Whereas we expect the same treatment for everyone, it is not so, and it is a good thing God is the one who decides. Just a few highlights that strike me as different from what is expected.

Travelling for a census. An angel appearing. Being told that you need to run completely counter to the social norms of the day. At least three really expensive gifts. Foreigners bring them who are definitely not from our community. Child-birthing in a structure instead of in an open field. And there's more. But that is for another blog.

By our standards and the standards of Jesus' time, this is difficult to believe and comprehend. And still we tell this story every year as Christians at Christmas. Because God has just walked in, in human form. And that is also a huge concept to work with. And that brought me back to where the week had started. Because I was then reminded of the TV show 'Joan of Arcadia' and the song from Joan Osborne "One of Us". More of this as we move through Advent. Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"It is never too late to be who you might have been."

George Eliot