Photo of Autumn Leaves
Photo Credit: Masaki Ikeda - Creative Commons License

Leaves. Living in a neighbourhood with mature trees, there are a lot of them around right now. And they are a treasure.

They are crunchy underfoot as nothing else is. You don't get the same sound in a coniferous forest setting. They are great to pile. Excellent to jump in and throw around. As importantly, they decompose well and add fiber to the earth as they rot in place. There is no smell like them after a fall rain. Such a treasure of pleasure. Which also has me thinking about what is treasure; what is valuable. What we call important others would not, and do not. And what God and Jesus call important is totally different from worldly values. The fact that Costco is now selling gold bars (wafers actually) is of no value and meaning to our Creator. Jesus puts no store in it either.

I commend Luke 12 to you here. Especially verses 13-21. God wants our souls. Jesus wants our souls. Our greatest treasures are our families and those we have met along our road of life. I have been deeply privileged to know many people from many walks of life; many occupations of life; many different socio-economic circumstances of life. What Alfred Tennyson said is certainly true, "I am part of all that I have met". Here lies treasure that is without price. We see the opposite of this in 1 Timothy 6:9. And my greatest treasure is being a follower of Jesus. In him I have the gifts of redemption and salvation all rolled into one. If I confess, then I am forgiven. If I am wondering about what is to come, I know that eternal life is mine. I truly will live forever. No, not here. There is another place that is prepared for us. Jesus says so in John 14:1-7.

So, what are your treasures? As the seasons shift, take some time to ponder on this. Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive."

Anais Nin