Photo of banquet tables
"God's Provision" - Creative Commons License

Fall. My very favourite time of year.

In many parts of Canada we have, and are having, a riot of colours. This time of year is also one of smell. With orchards producing pumpkins, there is the smell of cinnamon and fresh baking in the air. With the rains that often come, there is the smell of earthiness from decaying vegetation. Walking in wood lots and amongst mountain valleys is especially rewarding this way. And then there is the earthiness of freshly turned soil as potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are harvested. The richness of God's creation abounds.

I have been especially mindful of the richness of God's grace and mercy reading through some chapters of Matthew. I was again struck this week by Matthew 22.

Here, all are invited to come to the banquet. Everybody. Does not matter about how much or little you have for wealth. It does not matter how long you have sat in the darkness of your soul. No, the church roof will not fall in on you if you happen to show up. Of particular note are verses 11-14. Not everyone comes with pure motives. I met an older man once in a small community whom I would see regularly at funerals. All of them. I went to him at one lunch and introduced myself with the intention of inviting him to church the next Sunday. He said, "Reverend, I only come for the free lunches afterwards." I still invited him. Interestingly I never saw him at one of my funerals again.

And so, we find out that Jesus knows that there will be people who are not prepared for the gift of salvation. He is dealing with a tough crowd. The lawyers and Pharisees are wilfully choosing not to accept the gift he is offering. You see this in other parts of this chapter and the surrounding ones.

So, as this is the month with Thanksgiving in it, I offer all of you who are reading this the same gift. Come to whatever church service you choose this next Sunday. Yes, it is only a day or so away so let me say that this invite is always open. You have the invitation. Now, what will you do with it? Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive."

Anais Nin