Photo of a tornado
F5 tornado in Elie Manitoba

Tornadoes. We have just started into our tornado season.

Strong westerly winds in this past week have brought to mind two different times I experienced this. Once was in a parsonage as we watched the windows being sucked in and out in the old farm house that had been converted. This was outside Mt. Forest, ON. And then there was the time one went through Barrie, ON. Guardrails were wrapped like tinsel around tall oak trees. The racetrack was in shambles but the clubhouse was not. There had been a United Church area gathering there and prayer helped the tornado skip over the building where some 400 people were assembled. And sometimes it feels like tornadoes are blowing through our lives. The accident I had where the airbags went off has caused this to happen.

In this past week the write-off settlement was finalized. Monies owed for warranties paid were requested. New-to-us vehicles were found, and the joys of riding transit to get rentals were explored. Such rapid changes happening that it was hard to absorb it all. And those winds are nothing compared to the news that some people have gotten lately. Deaths from overdoses, cancer diagnosis, and major surgery; all are much stronger headwinds to fight against. And the disciples know all of this because of what is going on with Jesus.

The events in Mark 6 pale in comparison with the events of Easter Sunday, including that evening. (Luke 24) And he continues to surprise the disciples again and again. (John 20 and 21) This is important so they fully understand what he has done. Also, to help them prepare for what happens 50 days after Easter. But that is for later. Jesus has been through many storms; weathered many situations that were fraught with conflict; endured many dark moments such as in Matthew 26. He is with us in all our tornadic times, walking right beside us. So, how strong are your headwinds right now? Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive."

Anais Nin